harvesting the sun
developing sustainable projects with you
looking for a partner?
your project is in safe hands with us

About us

The common understanding of business is to establish win-win situations between two partners in order to guarantee longterm partnerships. We go one step beyond. With the experience of more than 10 years with projects in Germany and the UK, we are creating triple win opportunities in the renewable energy market. Along with the classic project partners regulary involved, the environment benefits in more than just one way.
We do not enter into the carbon footprint discussion or how our projects improve the local ecological environment. The bigger picture is to get rid of foreign energy sources from difficult governments within problematic regions all over the world. We also believe, that renewable energy is a major growth factor in less developed countries. Every local project improves the technology and makes clean energy more afforable. By producing a noteworthy amount of renewable energy within the EU, we set up a blueprint for these countries on how to develop their own independent energy supply.
And we are not talking about prevented wars for energy resources and the climate change. There are many more good arguments still left. So help us change our energy system. Let you, the environment and us benefit from a new period where solar, wind and hydro power will replace the burden of nuclear and coal-fire.

detailed planning
every tiny bit matters  always

Our services

fraone, not just a consultant.

Planning Statement

fraone prepares a site-specific report summarising all the information included within the planning application. This contains designs, environmental impacts, relevant planning policies, 3rd party surveys etc The team ensures the document is an accurate and thorough review of your project, and delivers the best representation for the Council’s consideration.

Module Layout Plan

Highly accurate module layout plans are designed using topographical data to precisely map the location and orientation of the pv panels, ancillary equipment, fencing, access tracks and any other onsite facilities. It is important this plan is thoroughly designed, to give reassurance the plan will need no amendments during the construction phase.

Site Location Plan

Using Ordnance Survey Ireland bitmaps, fraone produces high resolution location plans for all required scales.

Screening for Appropriate Assessment

Working together with ecology specialists, fraone provides a screening for AA that determines whether a project is likely to have significant effects on a Natura 2000 site in view of its conservation objectives.

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

This report covers the landscape and visual impacts on the surrounding area. Using expert knowledge and experience, fraone accurately evaluates the effect your development has and proposes smart mitigation and enhancement measures. The LVIA follows the guidance from the UK & Irish Landscape Institute and is prepared to an Environmental Impact Assessment standard.

Cable Route Plan

A legally binding planning decision requires a specified cable route which leads to the point of connection provided within the grid offer. A detailed plan based on OS maps accompanies the planning application and shows the route and main network features. If the cable route is unknown, fraone demonstrates possible cable route alternatives within the application, and will secure a separate permission at a later date.

Archaeological Statement

Complementing the main planning statement, this report contains detailed information from desk based resources, to analyse the history of the site and local area. The report identifies any potential impacts the development may pose on heritage and artefacts.

Flood Risk Assessment

Using the principals from Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), natural barriers and ditches known as swales and scrapes, can alleviate any potential risk of additional flooding to nearby receptors.

Public Consultation

fraone invites local residents and stakeholders to a public consultation where any questions about the project are answered by at least two planning experts. Visitors are asked for their feedback, as local knowledge is important for the planning application. A summary of the meeting is featured in a Community Involvement Statement.

Ecology Survey

Using fraone’s specialist ecology partners, the site survey investigates potential flora and fauna within the site and immediate vicinity. The report provides a baseline analysis of what is present, examining the impact the development may have, and finally evaluating and mitigating the design. The survey has a separate site survey and photos, along with a specialist report from accredited experts.

Transport Statement

The statement uses knowledge from multiple desk and field based sources to optimise the route for construction and operation traffic. The report also provides lay-by possibilities, fuel stations, services, daily traffic quantity estimates and swept path analysis.

EIA Screening Request

The request is sent to the local planning authority to ascertain whether the application should be considered Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Site Viewpoint and Condition Survey

Multiple high resolution photographs document the pre-construction condition of the site and surrounding area. The survey provides evidence of pre-project conditions.

Pre-Planning Council Consultation

Pre-planning meetings and discussions give an early indication of the Council’s opinion. They are the foundation for a good working relationship and help to resolve any issues from the start.


Fraone provides realistic photomontages which give an accurate depiction of the solar farm. High quality visualisations are based on a 3D model to demonstrate an accurate portrayal of what the solar farm will look like.

Topographical Survey

An onsite survey using specialist equipment to accurately model the landform. It’s increased precision helps to significantly increase the result accuracy in the module layout plan, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Zone of Theoretical Visibility and photomontages.

Zones of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV)

Using the latest software, fraone produces visual impact maps, to depict the visibility of the site from multiple receptor points. Types of survey include Line of Sight, Horizontal ZTV’s and Visibility Surface Maps to compare the visual impact of different panel heights, shapes and layouts.

Landscape & Ecological Management Plan

The ‘LEMP’ elaborates the mitigation measures and recommended enhancements of the LVIA into a visual representation. This shows the natural habitat improvement on a site plan. In addition, fraone presents a detailed methodology of a 25 year environmental management plan for the developer and landscape contractors to follow.

Noise Assessment

fraone demonstrates the potential impact of equipment and construction noise within an independent report. This demonstrates where and how much the site emits noise and identifies impacts on receptors in close proximity.

Yield Report & Optimization

Fraone optimises the solar farm yield in order to increase the amount of electricity produced. Comparing a number of different layouts, the yield report provides a detailed analysis showing how panel heights, orientations, row distances, site buffer zones, shading and many other factors, can be use to maximise yield.

Highways Survey

Fraone documents and records the condition of the construction route for roads leading to the site entrance. A HD quality video is provided, along with individual high resolution images of main turning points, junctions, and other key route points.

Project Blog

A project blog demonstrates the professionalism and commitment of a company, and its intention to listen to the local community. It is a great way to communicate the project development and listen to feedback from local residents. Fraone provides an independent project website with a unique URL, containing detailed project information on design, reports, key dates, council feedback and others.

Glint & Glare Assessment

A glint and glare assessment uses topographical data and ZTV techniques to show the impact of sun reflection and refraction. The report demonstrates glint and glare impact times and locations with a scientific explanation including mitigation measures where necessary.

Community involvement

Working with communities is proving an increasingly integral part of an application process. fraone knows the importance of local community support. The team liaises with local residents, outside of the normal confounds of a public consultation, to address the issues raised. Fraone offers individual home visits to talk through specific concerns, and even provide individual reports or photomontages to demonstrate specific impacts.

across the world  ...or a even a galaxy far, far away


We believe in teamwork.

Dr. Frank Monschauer

Previous to utilizing his financial skills in the renewable energy market, Frank worked until 2007 as external consultant for Lufthansa Airlines and Nestlé Corporation, specializing in international and domestic finance and tax optimization. Adding to his experience, Frank formerly worked as the financial instructor for the internationally established, microfinance bank, ProCredit Holding AG. He additionally possesses thirteen years of experience in real estate financing and accounting and holds a PhD in finance from the University of Frankfurt.

Ralph Döring

Ralph has been working in the renewable energy sector since 2007 as project manager and has since led a number of successful implementations. After his training in carpentry and numerous years in professional practice, Ralph moved into web design and programming. He holds a degree in business management with a focus on information systems and marketing. He likes to drink his coffee before 12am.

Adam Withers

Adam has been working within the renewable energy sector since 2012. In that time, he has worked with a number of community energy groups and helped develop numerous large scale solar farms. Adam has a keen interest in stakeholder liaison and public engagement, which he has focused on for the last few years. Prior to this he obtained BEng Mechanical Engineering and MSc Environmental Consultancy degrees from the University of the West of England.

we have come to stay
building lasting relationships with our partners



Republic of Ireland - 100.0MWp

Ireland | 2016 | RoI

Business development for a project pipeline of approx. 100MWp

Town End Farm - 5.0MWp

Eden | 2016 | UK

The project received planning permission after a successful appeal. Project management by fraone.


Mill Farm - 5.0MWp

Manchester | 2015 | UK

Planning permission through delegated power. fraone responsible for project development including project management and financing.

Nancrossa Farm - 5.81MWp

Cornwall | 2015 | UK

The project received planning permission after a successful appeal. Project management and project financing by fraone.


Pencoose Farm - 8.5MWp

Cornwall | 2014 | UK

Planning permission received with a distinct vote of Cornwall Council's Planning Committee of 15 to zero in favor of the project. fraone responsible for project development including project management and financing.

Newton Ferrers - 19.54MWp

Cornwall | 2014 | UK

Planning Permission received, all conditions discharged and over 8km of wayleaves secured. Project management and project financing by fraone.


Before founding fraone in 2014, Frank Monschauer and Ralph Döring have been working as CFO and project manager employed at different companies within the European market for renewable energies.

United Kingdom - 75MWp

Cornwall to Suffolk | 2011 - 2013 | UK

15 Projects in the Uk with more than 75MWp all together are now up and running. Project management by Ralph Döring.

Senftenberg I - 18.9MWp

Senftenberg | 2010 | Germany

The first of several large scale installations in this area now forming one of the top ten largest solar installations in the world. Frank Monschauer and Ralph Döring provided financing and project management.

Sonnendeck I - 193kWp

Senftenberg | 2009 | Germany

This rooftop installation features the EPV thin film solar panels on top of their factory. Frank Monschauer and Ralph Döring provided financing and project management.


Senftenberg | 2007/2008 | Germany

Project management and financing by Frank Monschauer and Ralph Döring for the development of a thin film solar panel manufacturing plant. The factory is able to produce up to 500.000 panels per year.

looking for us?
we are just around the corner

Find us

We are looking forward to meet you in person

fraone GmbH

Obere Brendelstrasse 46
61350 Bad Homburg

Tel +49 163 666 7242

fraone Ltd.

3 Cedar Villas
Bath, BA2 3hW
United Kingdom

Tel +44 7853 414427

Co-Initiator and Partner of the ENERGISTO Network

© 2014-2016 fraone | Imprint